Gto wizard スマホ. 2. Gto wizard スマホ

 2Gto wizard スマホ  The good news is that you can get an extra 10% discount for GTO Wizard when you register through us for your first purchase

O aplicativo GTO Wizard surgiu com a proposta de ajudar os jogadores de alto nível que querem elevar seus jogos próximo ao patamar do GTO. まずはGTO Wizardの公式サイトからアカウントを作成します。 アカウント作成のためにはメールアドレスが必要です。When comparing the mathematical consequences of a 50% bet against a 50% raise we see that, unlike pot odds, MDF and Alpha do not scale with pot%. プラクティスモードが搭載されていて、スマホなどからでも練習できるようです。gto+のトレーニング機能、またスノーウィーにもある機能ですね。スマホでもpcでも座学できるのはいいかもしれません. 上の段にある ORと書かれたものがオープンレイズ で、下の段にある ROLと書かれたものがリンプインがいた. For example, I have selected both 175% and 125% overbets on the turn. ア. Review yesterday’s uploaded hand histories. サブスクライブ式のサービスで、サイトにアクセスし閲覧する方法で使用します。 次のようなツールです。 Wizardが決めたレンジやベットサ. Get started for free. You can access this page from the Practice Menu dropdown at the top of the page. / 3 sec. Saving/Loading Custom Solutions. – Improved UI and speed of the Solution browser. Open the Solution Selector in the top-left corner of Study Mode. The Simplified solutions are solved to an eye-watering 0. Browse GTO solutions. In the classic ICM example, the SB is much more aggressive. Game mode – Single Spot. Google Calendar - Easier Time Management, Appointments & Scheduling. GTO Wizard与世界上最好的现金教学机构METAGAME联手,共同助你登上顶峰。请不要错过今天提交学习申请的机会! 现在申请 好处 全部BR 用我们提供的BR无压力grind 高水平教学 我们的顶级教练每周都会为你剖析扑克游戏的一个层面. It’s much better to start with a fundamentally. GTO Wizard helps you to learn GTO and analyze your game. 但凡你对德州扑克有过一些了解,GTO这三个字母一定是你最常听到的装X词汇。. To activate RNG mode, go to ADVANCED SETTINGS > MODES > RNG mode. Chances are AA blocks UTG's entire range at this point. This is a great way to find your leaks and get detailed information about your overall performance with our Trainer. The calculator can then be switched to PRGM mode for editing at that label. GTO lbl can be used in run mode to position the calculator to lbl. . Buy Now Get Started. Try it for free at solutions • Practice GTO •. See full list on online-poker-text. The goal is to expand your mind rather than reinforcing your current view. GTO勉強したいけど、費用等で少しハードルを高く感じる方は是非. 多くのトッププロはそれに近い状態で戦っているため、現代ポーカーではgtoを学ぶことがかなり重要な役割を占めています。今回はそんなgtoを学ぶ手助けをしてくれるツールをご紹介します。 また、gtoについて詳しく知りたい方は下記の記事をご覧く. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. It is a powerful tool that can simulate millions of hands, allowing players to explore different strategies and scenarios. Fabian Pichara julio 21, 2021 GTOWIZARD, Herramientas de Poker, Solvers de Poker. Introducing NodelockingBrowse GTO solutions. Required equity to call = (15-5) / (10 + 15 + 15) = 10/40 = 25%. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. If you want to use any theme, copy the code and import it into the GTO Wizard settings menu. Sharpen your. 3-6 sizings. UTG Strategy by turn card, after bet 33%-call line on 9 ♠ 8 ♠ 6 ♥. Consequently, GTO Wizard’s strategy for BB is extremely passive, consisting only of checks and 10% pot blocking bets. 2. GTO Wizard helps you to learn GTO and analyze your game. Browse GTO solutions. You can play full hands from preflop to river to learn anything and everything you need to know to make your game harder to exploit. You play way more hands and have generally better opponents. 17bb ante per player). How we solved our solutions. もう少しで10万handが終了し、一旦稼働はやめ座学期間にするつもりなの. Try it for free at we are proud to introduce a technological breakthrough. You are just one click away from crushing your competition Study 10,000,000+ presolved solutions Practice by playing vs. ソリューションがブラウザで瞬時に確認できる点が最大の特徴です。300,000通りを越える多くのソリューションが事前に用意されているようです。 GTO Wizardは、ソリューションが豊富で、様々なハンドレンジやベットサイズなどの設定値から計算されたGTO戦略を確認することが出来ます。 中級者から上級者まで GTOの理解を深めること ができ、 中級者・上級者におすすめ なGTOツールです。 近年、ポーカーを強くなるために、 避けては通れないGTO。 高速で学習することを可能にしたGTOツールも、 2020年以降、どんどん登場しています。 様々な種類がありますが、そのほとんどが海外製です。 今回は、オススメのGTOツール7選を、 どのような値段で、どのような機能があるのか、 徹底. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. This view will help you view your range from the perspective of your hand/draw categories and their actions. ago. PioSolverやGTO+といったを使った学習はもちろん大切ですが、ツール以外にもPCのスペックも必要だったりとどうしても費用がかかります。. These are great for drills like practicing your cash game RFI, or mastering short stack MTT Push/Fold decisions. There are several ways to view the profitability of decisions. 33) Bill’s equity is $38. GTO Wizard ©️ 2023. Below are three RFI ranges pulled from identical PKO and Classic 7-handed final table solutions from the GTO Wizard library. 無料版ですと出来ることは限られていますが、 プリフロップのレンジは無料ですべて確認することが出来ます。. Analysis. 初めまして、ポーカーうまくなりたいまる。です。最近沢山ポーカー教材が出てありがたいです。今回はGTOWizardというサービスが始まったのでちょっと使ってみました。 GTO Wizard The ultimate poker tool to elevate your game. GTO Wizard – 6 seconds to reach 0. Browse GTO solutions. Get started for free. This gives insight into how different parts of your strategy are constructed. しかし、GTOツールが発展した現在では独学でポーカーを学習することが可能となりました。. Browse GTO solutions. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. Two players widely accused of using GTO Wizard as real-time assistance (RTA) have since been cleared, in one manner or another, while an investigation into a prominently-accused. 以下で、それぞれの方法について説明します。. By approaching your study with a. So the further people get from GTO, the more opportunity there is. Lege kostenlos los. . クレジットカードなしでPayPalを使いたいなら、銀行口座の情報を登録して口座振替をするのが簡単です。. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. . Obtenha sua pontuação GTO e acompanhe seu progresso ao longo do tempo; Receba 10% de desconto no GTO Wizard. This step should take between 10 minutes to an hour depending on volume. You are just one click away from crushing your competition Study 10,000,000+ presolved solutions Practice by playing vs. Actions table – Shows actions of the whole range. ”. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. 」といった気付きに使う方法です。. 以上~这个系列就这. Nodelocking is a powerful new feature that allows you to define player’s strategies and craft exploits to crush the competition! You can set strategies by combo, hand category, or action frequency, then compare how the response changes. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. GTOWizardはスマホでも利用可能なので例えば、アミューズメントカジノで気になったハンドがあったとしてもスマホやタブレットがあればすぐに確認ができ. Dunno if I should invest in this or a different solver but the tools wizard has seem very helpful. Select the dropdown of the active player, and you’ll have the option to copy the ranges of particular. Simple (NL50) 100BB ALL SPOTS. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Elite – $129/month or $1309/year. . GTO Wizard helps you to learn GTO and analyze your game. Playing in position against a three-bettor is a lesson in playing to your advantages. Currently, there are only the first two features released, but the Hand History Analyzer is coming later this month (November 2020). Its application has shaped the development of poker strategy for the last several years to the point that winning at the highest stakes requires. Mainly, you still need qualified humans to train and monitor the AI. Alternatively, you can select a specific part of their range. Try it for free at solutions • Practice GTO • Analyze hand history And ma. GTO Wizardは web上で誰でも簡単にGTOについて学ぶことが出来る ツールになります。. トルル #海外のポーカー記事を翻訳する奴. Game theory is a study of mathematical models of strategic interaction conceived by mathematician John Nash. Browse GTO solutions. GTO. The main difference from other solvers and programs for GTO is that GTO. プリフロップレンジの見方. GTO Wizardは多くのプロポーカーが使用しており、信憑性が高いので本格的にポーカーをするなら必須のアプリです。 GTO ライブポーカーはもちろん、近年人気のオンラインポーカーで稼ぐなら、GTO戦略は必須です。 One of my favorite things about GTO wizard as a poker training app is that you can upload your cash game or tournament hand histories (up to 100,000 hands) and it will analyze each hand for -EV and you can look at each hand in a solution. GTO WIZARD es la herramienta de poker que comenzaron a usar los jugadores de High Stakes para ESTUDIAR POKER este 2022. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Activate RNG Mode. Beyond this threshold, strategies are extremely mixed and tend to be unreliable. ポーカーを学習するには、仲間内で議論するのが10年前までは重要でした。. 22% accuracy. The chart below compares the speed and accuracy of GTO Wizard and PioSolver: PioSolver – Required 4862 seconds (1 hour 21 minutes) to reach 0. MENU. Salut, Dans un autre sujet DarkPferd nous parlait brièvement de ce logiciel. Practice. Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. Unlike the instructions above, this one is recordable so the position of the PRGM-RUN switch must be properly set. For example, if you take the monthly Premium plan, you will save 10% on a monthly fee, pay $80 the first month, and then go to a regular $89 pricing. GTO wizardのプラチナプランを契約していて、ポーカースターズやGGポーカーなどのハンド履歴がたまるサイトである程度のハンド数をこなしていて、かつHM3やPT4などのトラッキングソフトを持っ. . 那么说了这么多,solver的原理是什么呢?. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. GTO Wizard 10% dto. I think the Independent Chip Model is something that gets needlessly ignored by a lot of tournament players, which is remarkable since it is likely the most important guiding principle in the biggest money decisions of tournament players –. 4BB/100, while respecting ACPC’s constraints. We believe that GTO Wizard is uniquely positioned as an impartial third party to use its leading-edge technology to vouch for poker network’s trustworthiness. GTO. This allows more advanced users to perform further testing on their strategy using their own solver. Leverage is related to the concept of equity realization. A 10% discount applies to all types and periods of subscriptions. Playing in position against a three-bettor is a lesson in playing to your advantages. 03/11/2023 43 min. I work with GTO Wizard so I might be able to offer some perspective. Probably like 10%. My only concern is and basically why I’m scared to use solvers because I could interpret my players ranges wrong. You can: Practice preflop to river, Drill specific. 2023年7月、新しい機能としてGTO Wizard AIというものが搭載されました。GTO Wizard AIはソルバーではなく人工知能が使われており、今までできなかった. The good news is that you can get an extra 10% discount for GTO Wizard when you register through us for your first purchase. These are automatically correct. As you can see, the SB is in poll position with 82BBs, as is the BTN is near to them with 74BBs. Login to GTO WizardGTOWizardならブラウザで使用するので、操作性もよくスマホ1つでサクサク使用できます。. Today, we are proud to announce the winners. #1. The SB is incentivized to open limp because it receives a discount on the call, but all other positions can get reraised easily if they limp and will never take the pot down preflop by just open limping if no one else raises. There appears to be slightly more donk betting as the opener’s position gets later, but even that is not true. It’s useful and it’s quick. GTO+はGTOのツールの中でも、コスパのいいツールかと思いますので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。. In the world of poker, the flop is a crucial stage of the game that sets the tone for the rest of the hand. Bancajes; Destroza tus límites. 2. You can view the strategy, EV, EQ, EQR. Click to enjoy the latest deals and coupons of GTO Wizard and save up to 20% when making purchase at checkout. Browse GTO solutions. Naoki. The GTO Wizard Trainer is packed with numerous intriguing options, which can sometimes leave us overwhelmed with indecision. However, in this article, we’ll display a much more powerful way to examine values – GTO Wizard’s EV comparison tool. Reaction score. / 3 sec. GTO wizardに内蔵されているAIが考える最強プレイヤーを対戦相手として、練習することができます。. Ich würde also METAGAME auf jeden Fall jedem empfehlen, der sein Spiel auf die nächste Stufe bringen will. . Soon! 1. Além do banco de dados de mãos resolvidas, o GTO Wizard fez uma parceria com a Ruse AI para permitir que você crie suas próprias soluções personalizadas. The primary metric we use to measure performance against the Trainer is the GTOW Score. GTO Wizard AI Guides. Our state-of-the-art AI opponents and extensive database of presolved situations help you play smarter, learn faster, and become a poker pro in no time. There are simply far too many scenarios to memorize. tombos21 Mod of /r/Poker_Theory • 4 mo. As the defending player, you will not have the equity advantage or the nuts advantage. This is a bit frustrating because passing solutions on PC are often a failure on the GTOW, and vice versa. Location. Another method is to select ‘EV’ from that same menu. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. . Copy the ranges directly from the Ranges Tab provided in the link above. A Brief Introduction to Game Theory. In both cases, the solver searches from a list of predefined bet or raise sizes to find the optimal sizings at each node. GTO+とは、ゲーム理論を基にした数学的最適解を計算してくれるソフトです。. r. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. ・ベットサイズが幅広い. Game mode – Practice a single spot, specific street, or full hand. Upload your HHs and instantly see your GTO mistakes. 现在,这就是机会!. GTO Wizard is now multilingual. GTO Wizard provides the option to copy your constructed strategy as standard Pio/GTO+ text. The most efficient way to find your leaks - see all your mistakes with just one click. Betting a smaller size allows more. Wizard Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. ODIN (オーディン) オーディンのHPはこちら. GTO Wizard - Aprenda a usar o GTO Wizard na Prática | Tutorial Básico💲 Caso precise comprar fichas para as principais salas de poker, apostas, astropay ou c. Browse GTO solutions. through this link - my twitch - my di. 1. – Added a Drawing mode. We make fun, vibrant mobile games that millions of people have loved. EV losses are displayed in big blinds and as a percentage of the. Följ GTO Wizards utstakade studieplan. もちろん議論してポーカーを深めることも重要ですが、それと同時に昔の間違った理論. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Just curious why GTO Wizard won’t include more open sizes besides 2x and 2. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. What is GTO Wizard? GTO Wizard is a complete poker training suite designed to help you crush the competition! Try GTO Wizard for free. Hardware: 16 cores @ 5GHz, 128GB RAM. Login to GTO WizardBrowse GTO solutions. Last month, we announced a partnership with the leading GTO trainer tool GTO Wizard. Select the Custom Solutions tab. Select the Custom Solutions tab. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Elite – $129/month or $1309/year. However, to celebrate the introduction of GTO Wizard AI, we’re offering a limited time Early Bird Discount starting from $109/month! The Elite tier offers unlimited exclusive access to GTO Wizard AI custom solves. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Gto rangesPlo gto Ultimate guide to 6-handed pokerGto poker charts. 基本的には、今回紹介する方法で. Just pick a PIO solved spot and hit play. 1つ目に、単体のGTO戦略の分布を見て、「オリジナルは同じトップヒットでもキッカーが弱いほどチェック比率が増える!. 5x. GTO Wizardは2020年末にリリースされた月額サブスクリプション型のGTO Solverです。 本ツールの非常に優れていることの一つとしてプリフロップソリューションについては無料で閲覧できることです。 GTO Wizardでできること. However, to celebrate the introduction of GTO Wizard AI, we’re offering a limited time Early Bird Discount starting from $109/month! The Elite tier offers unlimited exclusive access to GTO Wizard AI custom. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. It will help you learn GTO and analyze your game, working seamlessly from your browser or mobile device, which means you don't need a super computer to use it. The art and science of PKO table management. . Probe Betting. There are several ways to view the profitability of decisions. Yes, it's excellent. GTO Wizard: Final Verdict. From here, you can filter by format, date, and preflop actions. Set the stack and pot: 5. 20. My issue is that the quizzes and preflop simulator on PC play distinctly different than the GTOW trainer. 現代ポーカーでは欠か. GTO Wizard uses advanced algorithms to calculate the optimal strategy for any given situation based on game theory principles. Browse GTO solutions. The most efficient way to find your leaks - see all your mistakes with just one click. GTO Wizard is the ultimate tool for poker players looking to elevate their game. Advanced players will often tell you that your range affects your strategy. The interface is designed with learning in mind, with custom filters to drill down on important information, dynamic. For example, if you take the monthly Premium plan, you will save 10% on a monthly fee, pay $80 the first month, and then go to a regular $89 pricing. The user interface is friendly and super fast to use compared. One is to select ‘Strategy+EV’ from the Strategy dropdown menu. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. スポンサーリンク. Existen múltiples opciones a. GTO Wizard solves to an accuracy of 0. Step 1: The Big Picture. Instead, these tools are best used to understand big-picture concepts such as stack depth, range advantage, nut advantage, bet sizing, and position. Kostenlos loslegen 5. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. 嗨嗨大家好,我是Twitch德州撲克實況主無聊水豚仔這次的影片是完整的GTOW的功能操作解析,講解目前GTOW所有最新的功能,也比原先的那部影片解說. 1. No. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Introducing Nodelocking The ultimate tool to elevate your game. 今回は、GTOツールを初めて使う人向けにハンドレンジの見方を解説します。. まず、一番上に表示されているこちらのレンジ表ですが、これは オープンレイズをするハンドレンジ表 になります。. C-betting as the aggressor is one of the most profitable spots and, therefore, an essential skill to master for any successful player. Ability to upload the whole folder at once. Browse GTO solutions. Sign up for FREE and learn how to utilise GTO strategy to CRUSH the high stakes! GIVEAWAY ENDED 21st SEP. You are just one click away from crushing your competition Study 10,000,000+ presolved solutions Practice by playing vs. Home; Articles; Videos; What’s new in GTO Wizard; Videos. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1. GTO Wizard ©️ 2023. Login to GTO WizardSolver+ has a nice phone app too that can be used on the go, and it’s relatively less than half of GTO Wizard’s price but I’m not sure how accurate it’s solves are, since I’ve seen one post on here that mentioned GTO Wizard giving a. 想当年Felix第一. Pose a question. Examples:Preflop through turn – Your play will be compared to our pre-solved solutions on preflop through turn streets. : 015 98341, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court. Once you choose an action, you get immediate GTO feedback, optimal frequency to bet/check and optimal sizing to use. Get started for free. It’s actually the complete opposite. Both are range betting the flop btw. Variance is much bigger than the human mind can conceptualize. – Ability to see Aggregated reports without the need to select flop. The interface consists of four main sections: The strategy matrix – Shows the GTO strategy for the entire range. / 20 sec. Posted on: September 19, 2023 11:01 am EDT. Practice in Slow Motion. Most solvers lack the tools needed to truly dissect the strategy. 碾压你的对手 学习和练习 GTO 的最佳方式。 免费试用 5,000,000 多种预解算结果已皆在您囊中。. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. Whether a player has mostly medium-strength hands or a more polarized mix of very strong and very weak hands has huge implications for their. Try it for free at solutions • Practice GTO • Analyze hand history And man. Eines der Dinge, die ich am meisten am Team mag, ist, dass es immer besser wird. 5BB and 97. Login to GTO WizardGtowizard is the easiest one to use. そこで、GTO+を導入しようと思った方に向けて、今回は、GTO+の導入方法について解説します。. ポーカーを学習するには、仲間内で議論するのが10年前までは重要でした。. 4%의 플러쉬가 남아있는 반면, BB는 1%밖에 남아있지 않다 (AJss) 리버 5s 덕에 HJ은 더 이상 BB의 플러쉬를 걱정하지 않아도 된다. You can sort and group data the same way as flop reports. Hardware: 2 Cores, 8GB of RAM. 74 gtowizard 33. It’s priced at $149/month (or $129/month with an annual subscription). If you have read my previous GTO Wizard articles and my books, you’ll know I am a fan of ICM. 25% Off The Game Plan & 50% Off A-Game Poker Masterclass Ends in 14:59:47. learned from its neural networks to eliminate the need for the computation of future streets. We’ve also introduced a huge variety of preflop cash solutions. To reduce the cost of a subscription, 2 conditions must be met: you are subscribing for the first time; you followed this link to the official website of the application. Advanced analysis tools. This will open a menu that allows you to enter all the information needed to build a heads up tree. It is not the sheer. 5x 100BB ALL SPOTS. Try it for free at solutions • Practice GTO • Analyze hand history And ma. 牌例2 AT5r+x. The Stats page displays the number of hands/moves played, mistakes, GTO Wizard score, and EV losses. ヨコサワのハンドレンジ表は1枚にまとめられています。シンプルにまとめられており、スマホの画面で確認しやすいです。. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. ポーカー初学者が学ぶべき10のこと [後編] 超訳GTO Wizard [2] 前回 の続き。. But it’s dirty - it uses ranges that you may not yourself use and cannot. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. Solvers can get incrediby complicated with the amount of user options needed to be configured before you can even run one simulation. GTO Wizardを使えばPiosolverやGTO+を持っていない人でも、気軽にGTO戦略の学習が可能です。. Drilling to Get Better | Run It Once. The remaining half of the bounty is added to their. Georgia. GTO wizard网页训练功能试用. – Added new design of playing cards. 2023年11月17日 23:28. 2% of the time. Today we are releasing GTO Wizard translated into Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Thai, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Romanian. GTO. Tools like GTO Wizard and other solvers should not be used to memorize specific strategies. Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. 假设你有一个很笨的对手,他在玩石头剪刀布的时候只. Oh, I didn't even know gto wizard provides a solver, thought it was just for learning and studying specific positions. It's prevalent at midstakes but those games are still very beatable, and if you are a big winner at midstakes online you can play live nosebleeds. ポーカーをする上でどれくらいのパソコンがあったら良いか気になりませんか? 今回は、オンラインポーカーをする人、gtoツールを使いたい人向けに必要なパソコンのスペックやその他ディスプレイなどの設備を紹介します。 In November we have released GTO Wizard, an advanced GTO tool where you can browse the entire game tree for 6 Handed Cash Game poker. GTO Wizard ©️ 2023. I signed up for the free version and even that seems like a hell of a deal for what you get. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. Nodelocking is a powerful new feature that allows you to define player’s strategies and craft exploits to crush the competition! You can set strategies by combo, hand category, or action frequency, then compare how the response changes with our new Compare Nodes feature. River – Rivers are calculated. 0K VOL: 69,292 $0. Select the view icon on the right-hand side to jump to your analyzed hands. 3% of the starting pot depending on the solution type. ・画面が見やすい. Go to the User Settings screen and choose the Game settings tab, and the Hand History option. ・GTO Wizard. Recognized as the #1 educational poker training tool and partner with some of the biggest names and brands in the industry, we are providing. You can choose high or low RNG or turn it off. 7K VOL: 43,711 $0. The first reason to study GTO Wizard can be summed up by one word – convenience. This tab is used to study the GTO strategy for any spot you like. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. Instead of setting your Training session manually every time, you can save your Drills (custom settings), so the next time you can access them with one click. The Greatest Final Table in Triton History. GTO. These will serve as step two for tomorrow’s review. These values can be thought of as GTO Wizard AI’s intuition: an understanding of the value of its hand in any given situation. POSTED May 23, 2022. 9% of the time, only calling 6. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. We believe that GTO Wizard is uniquely positioned as an impartial third party to use its leading-edge technology to vouch for poker network’s trustworthiness. まとめ. 🔥 CREA TU CUENTA GTO WIZARD (Solver) y GANA 👉 en sorteos de Licencias Gratis. Get started for free. 下の図では、100bbのCashゲームにおいて、BTNがオープンレイズをする. Hardware: 2 Cores, 8GB of RAM. The free level gives you 1 solution a day GTOx is $30/$50/$65 per month, uses Simple postflop There is also Solver+ which works on your phone, it's $100 per year or $10 per month, I think it uses Simple Postflop. I have also recently just released GTO Poker Simplified with Dara, which, as the name suggests, turns some of the biggest postflop lessons from. In the PKO example, the SB hardly ever shoves, opting to raise 17. . INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS. It works seamlessly on your desktop and mobile. Browse GTO solutions. Learn poker with GTO Wizard. Start crushing with GTO Wizard.